Particle – Past Prophecy Preserved for the Present
An excerpt from my Theo-autobiography, wHaT tHe LoRd HaS dOnE wItH Me, with Psalm 35 added:
I then went downstairs to pray and begged God to give me a Word. This was April 2, 2000. I took a Bible from the bookshelf and in it I found an old prophecy. The date of the prophecy was October 31, 1991. I had burned all old prophecies and this one remained in a Bible I chose of 60 or more Bibles, minutes after I prayed for a Word from the Lord. Was this an insignificant coincidence? I red the prophecy and found it applied to my circumstances. I was thankful.
The Word of the Lord to Victor (found April 2, 2000)
“I have given you power, rushing fiery power that will destroy your adversaries on the left hand and on the right, before and behind, above and beneath, without and within. You will rule over the nations with a rod of iron and as vessels of a potter smash them to pieces and scatter the powder to the winds. My vehemence will be manifest in you, nothing thwarting it. Mouths offending and opposing I will shut and they shall not be opened.
You are My chosen vessel, and I will not tolerate any to touch you any more than the apple of My eye. They have all poked their fingers at My face and have fingered their noses at Me. They have all railed and vomited on Me and on you because of Me. No longer will they be tolerated and permitted to do so.
You speak, My son, and fear nothing. They will proceed no further as they have done. Only do not do as do they in man’s railing and wrath. Speak the truth by My Spirit in the spirit of righteousness and temperance, and I will surely see to the results that they are entirely in your favor and in the favor of all those who stand with you and whose interests you represent.
It’s here, My son, it is here! The time for victory is here. I will turn to shame the heads of those who despise you and they will turn or I’ll break their necks. They will swallow their poison. They will be forced to revere you or die. Those who resent you can no longer do so without death to themselves. This is the beginning of your partaking of the heritage of the saints, as you have not known it before, which the Lord your God has granted. Amen.
Do as you please with your investment money. It does not matter. If it was important that you should have more you would have more, and so will it be in the days ahead.”
October 31, 1991
Moon River
Note: On March 31, 2015, I was reviewing this Theo-auto Part, having just finished reading that prophecy. We then held a Bible reading with Sara and Jeannie. We had been reading Psalms and resumed at Psalm 35. It was marvelously in tune with the prophecy. Remarkable.
Who says there is no God?
Psalm 35
A Prayer for Help