Issue #17: Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out

For those of you who have already red this issue there has been an update here.

The purpose of the Moon River Monocle is to speak God’s Mind and alert my neighbors and others of wrongdoing and wrong thinking. It is to identify those attitudes, speech, and actions with which God is not pleased. Men may love those things or think nothing of them. Not so with God. He will have His Way and His Will known.

We never escape the effects of our ubiquitous selfish deeds, whereby we hurt ourselves and others. As the Scriptures declare:

“…and be sure your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23 KJV).

A few of our fellowship gathered on November 1, 2024, and talked earnestly about the reality of the proverbial “elephant in the room.”  We all know how we can have thoughts about things that people are often reluctant to discuss openly and honestly. Some or all may sense the presence of that large, pervasive, grey bully. But few are willing to speak up.

Discerning comedians can have a picnic with that monster. I digress some, but I couldn’t resist. After all, comics have a heyday with human nature’s hypocrisy and dishonesty. I’m just not trying to be funny. It’s my job to deal with reality head-on, though I admire the funny guys who are perceptive and able to sneak through the message and powerfully hit home the truth.

Human common reaction and custom is to ignore the elephant, mask our countenances, and act “polite” or naïve. I think the Canadian tradition is notoriously famous worldwide for being polite, apologetic, and “nice.” That reputation may not be so virtuous.

But aren’t we to be kind and considerate of one another? “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” was “Mommy’s” famous saying not long ago.

Isn’t it true that letting elephants live in the room is often driven not by respect for neighbor, the professed, sanctimonious reason, but by straight-up cowardice, bullshit, and self-preservation? By that standard, you may well wonder if Canada isn’t an unusually dishonest and hypocritical nation.

Our group also discussed the serious need and practicality of honesty, transparency, and frankness wherever we were, whenever the opportunity or challenge arose and called for it.

We agreed that from this time forward, we would try to muster the courage to address such elephants wherever we encounter them, no matter how uncomfortable it might be for us and others. Controversial, opposing religious, medical, racial, social, economic, and political topics and disagreements are common. But what is the Truth? We need to arm ourselves with elephant guns and learn how to use them. There’s no shortage of prey. That’s not to say that we don’t have our elephants to identify and do away with. We’re all guilty.

In our present national climate, haven’t we experienced such discomfort mushrooming with our recent divisive policies of leftist government doctrine and aggressive religious and “progressive” stances in our everyday lives? In the tyranny of social division, censorship, and suppression of freedom of expression, we are all being trampled by a giant herd of stampeding elephants. Shoot! Time to load and fire.

How remarkable that within seven days of our discussion, my wife and I experienced such an “elephantine” situation when we visited Gina Breitkreuz and her silent partner. So soon and unexpectedly was I put to the test! Would I follow through on our agreement or would I cower?

I’ve been a coward in such situations countless times. So have we all. I didn’t want to be there anymore, running and hiding, and so I decided I had to act. I spoke up. It’s the only way.

I seemed to recognize Gina. “Gina, have we met? Don’t I know you from somewhere?” I asked. She seemed to get tense and sense something as well but wasn’t interested in going there. I knew it had been an unpleasant experience with her.

No matter. I was determined to continue to be true to the week-young commitment to address the elephant wherever possible and necessary. I also knew Gina hadn’t been innocent.

Suddenly, my memory kicked in. In 2002, 22 years ago, I recalled renting a house from Gina on behalf of a widow, Ingrid Nicolay, and her 3 young, single orphan daughters arriving in Canada. The house rental didn’t go pleasantly. I reminded Gina of that event and told her it had left a sour taste in my mouth. She had not been very understanding, merciful, or fair about it at that time. I had tried to negotiate a fair deal but she had my money and there was nothing much I could do about it.

To ease the tension, I continued, “I haven’t had any resentment concerning all this…” (or had I?) when she adversarially interjected with words something like, “Yet, you remember all this after 22 years…”

I took her interjection to mean that she accused me of being resentful, after all. My immediate, defensive reply was, “Because someone remembers something unpleasant doesn’t necessarily mean it’s with resentment.” True enough.

However, I’ve considered Gina’s supposition to see if I might give her the benefit of the doubt. I concluded her statement to be accusatory and fault-finding. No justification or credit for her there.

Gina was naturally and visibly upset with the confrontation. After all, how many people take their elephant guns and shoot the elephant in the room, especially while in another’s home, and for the first time?

But if she wasn’t guilty of anything, what was there to be afraid of? Why not seek reconciliation? What would there be to lose? What’s loving your money worth? What’s loving your neighbor as yourself worth? Did she know she had disadvantaged a widow and three young single orphans? I don’t know; I don’t remember. I do know there wasn’t a fair play bone in her body. And twenty-two years hadn’t changed anything.

And does time play a role? Isn’t it believed by the religious and those who believe in an afterlife that judgment comes when people die? So, won’t it come before they die? Why not? Who says? I’ve seen it happen all the time. See the trouble and torment etched in the visages and souls of those who refuse to face reality and love their neighbor. Heaven and hell are both here in the present as well as in the future. Judgment is ever at work. God judges in Heaven and Earth, all the time.

We all say, “What goes around comes around,” don’t we? I don’t believe that the effect of any wrongdoing disappears and fades into nonexistence by itself. There’s far too much evidence to the contrary. All wrongdoing and shortfalls must be acknowledged, addressed, and reconciled sooner or later. Surely, this is the Law of the God I know and have walked with for over a half-century now.

Folks, it’s all in the despised, conscience-pricking, “written-in-stone” Bible.

“Oh, but God loves me. He forgives, that’s what Jesus is all about!”

You may say some true things, but you’ve got it all wrong, just wrong enough to perish in your sins, misapplying truths to escape your culpability.

I have recently solemnly considered that I need to speak when circumstances and people arise from the past that haven’t been dealt with. “Loose ends,” we call them. I shall tie up loose ends, so help me God, and not be afraid of conflict and what people think. “Fear of man brings a snare,” the Scriptures declare. Surely, this is so.

Jesus also said to His disciples, “Whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven, and whose sins you retain, they shall be retained.” This is the heritage of the saints. How awesome!

If you want to be forgiven your sins against me, come and talk to me, and let’s resolve this – it’s the best thing you can do. And if I am guilty of any sin against you and don’t consider or remember, please, please, please do talk to me. I’m eager to restore and compensate for any wrongs I’ve done to anyone.

If God judges you to have a case, I pray He will give me the grace to come clean and to set you and me free, even in those places we didn’t even realize we were suffering. I don’t want to suffer, and I don’t want you to suffer, consciously or unconsciously. Do you? How stupid would that be? Let’s not be stupid. Let’s love God and our neighbors as ourselves.

After all, what other option do we have? As I’ve heard said a few times, “Karma’s a bitch.” And she sure is. But we are her inspiration and cause for being there. Know that there’s hope. She needn’t win or torment forever. Get honest, and deal with the issue, no matter how new or old, weak or strong, and she’s gone for good, forever defeated. And God will faithfully restore and replenish.

I’ve spoken here on my behalf, but I’m also speaking for all. There’s nobody who isn’t subject to the Truth and very few, if any, who haven’t been hurt by selfish conduct. Cut the selfishness; time’s up.

Watch those who endeavor to do what’s right. See their end. And watch the wicked fall and get blown away as chaff in the wind. That’s the way it is.

Psalm 1

Before making an intended public post, I decided to privately contact Gina and try to reason with her as kindly as possible. My letter to her:

From: Victor Hafichuk <>
Sent: November 11, 2024 10:53 AM
To: ‘Johnjameskramer
Cc: ‘’ <>
Subject: RE: Resolution and Genuine Friendship, If You Will

Hi John, and particularly Gina,

Thank you for your hospitality when Marilyn and I visited you last Thursday morning at your home.

For a few minutes, Gina, I brought up a controversial subject between us when I suddenly remembered who you were and what happened between us back in 2002 with our rental event.

My intention or desire was not to strive. But that’s not all, interestingly enough. Coincidentally, just days before, I and our companions had discussed the need for being open and honest with everyone, friend and stranger alike. We determined to address the ‘elephants in the room’ with one another and everyone else, as difficult as that may be, not for conflict but for satisfactory resolution for all concerned.

Truly, there are herds of elephants with everyone everywhere. We are often afraid to broach a topic that might cause any controversy, uncomfortability, or temporary unpleasantry, such as, for example, ‘religion’ and politics, right? We’d rather put it away and continue the small talk on a superficial plane.

The problem is that we never gain any ground to resolve issues and offenses, deal with misunderstandings, and go on to establish meaningful relationships on any level. Some will say of superficiality, ‘That’s life,’ and go on hiding and ignoring matters, personal, business, or otherwise.

But after some sincere discussion, we unanimously concluded that such an approach, or lack thereof, was death, not life, serving no constructive purpose, and so we decided to serve life by Truth, honesty, frankness, and most importantly, genuine concern for our neighbor, despite our feelings and fears. I believe these things are framed in the Bible as, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

You may likely have suggested I was resentful about that rental event, so I assumed, and I did make the point that because someone remembers an unpleasant experience from so long ago didn’t necessarily mean there was resentment. And we left it at that, yet unresolved in my mind, and I think, yours, as well.

Thinking back on our brief and tense conversation, whether I was resentful, unforgiving, or offended, I thought it would be best for us to sit down and talk, face to face, and see if we might help one another, whether I help you, you help me, or both.

Don’t you think that would be a good idea? I have to admit I had found that 2002 event very unpleasant and concluded that we met again for good reason, determined from above, for the opportunity to clear the air.

While it is said that “time heals all wounds,” by experience we have all learned that we need to make the effort to change our minds about offenses, get honest with one another, look for one another’s good, make restitution however possible, and forgive one another. I don’t believe for a moment that time can ever do the job. You said, “You remembered after all that time?” Yes, you’re right – time didn’t erase the memory or even the unpleasantry. It did hurt.

Are you willing and able to meet on this issue, if not for your sake, at least mine? I know we can both resolve this matter together if there’s a will to do so. I dearly hope so, Gina. Can we create a friendship? Not by keeping things swept under the rug or trying to forget, but by genuinely caring for the other party and making the effort to make things right. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing? No more living shortchanged by memories of unpleasantry, but in present, abiding peace.

Should you accept the proposal to meet, I’d like Marilyn and John to be present, too. I think it would only be right that spouses are included, I’m sure you’ll agree. Hoping to hear from you soon, God willing. Thank you.

Victor Hafichuk

In 3 days, Gina replied, quite as expected, I’m sorry to say, but, I tried. She wrote:

Sent: November 14, 2024 10:57 AM
Subject: RE: Resolution


You seem to have mistaken ourselves, our home, and our email address as a platform for your Feelings.

Further contact of any kind is not welcome


Gina has coldly brushed aside my attempt to negotiate peace and goodwill between us. Moon River citizen Maas Brink once succinctly defined his preferred version of “love your neighbor as yourself,” which people choose with hard hearts. “Look, I’ve seen your stuff on the net. I don’t want any of your bullshit. Let’s just be good neighbors and keep it that way, okay?” (Similar words). He resents my direct identification with the Lord Jesus Christ on the Moon River Community FB Page and, and it troubles him.

I declare myself a spokesperson for the Lord, not self-proclaimed but by His Divine Appointment. I know the majority will call me mad, a fool, a deceiver, a glory-seeker, whatever.

My critics include nonbelievers and especially “Christian” churchgoers. But you Bible readers out there, consider: Did you ever notice how God commanded that Israel stone false prophets? Many prophets were stoned to death in those days and since.

The interesting thing is that it wasn’t the false ones God’s people stoned or beheaded, but the true prophets, often thinking they did God service, as Jesus and true prophets, apostles, and teachers declared. We find a sparse record of any false teachers being stoned. How incredibly interesting is that?

So, following the historical, social, and religious traditions and customs of men, I can count on Gina being defended and exonerated by the world while it stones me for heresy, radicalism, mean-spiritedness, injustice, bullying, and making “mountains of molehills.”

In my defense, not that I feel I need to defend myself for my sake, I speak that the readers of the Moon River Monocle and might hear the Truth in principle and substance. Only by the Truth will they find their way out of darkness and guilt of injustice into the Light that sets paths straight and delivers them from all wrongdoing. I defend myself for your sake, not mine.

I speak in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that despised and most infamous Name of all to those who don’t know Him. And to the religious, I say what Isaiah declared 2800 years ago and what Jesus Christ had to say 2000 years ago and still says today:

You hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying, these people draw near to Me with their mouth and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. But in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men” (Matthew 15:7-9).

Victor Hafichuk
November 2024


I alerted Gina of this post with the following email:

From: Victor Hafichuk
Date: 2024-11-30 10:49 PM (GMT-07:00)
To: Gina
Subject: FYI

Gina, for your information, I have posted our situation description and correspondence on the Moon River Monocle:

God willing, since you requested it, you’ll not be receiving any more correspondence from me unless you ask for and need it. You may reply at the MRM if you wish. If necessary, I will reply to you there.

Victor Hafichuk

She replied:

From: breitkreutzg
Sent: December 3, 2024 4:31 PM
To: Victor Hafichuk
Subject: Re: FYI

Our email was given to you for the sole purpose of the water co-op.

You abused that privilege and are continuing to do so after I very clearly stayed that any further contact from you is NOT welcome.

Yet here you are contacting me again.




Update, December 5, 2024

It appears that Gina didn’t read my note to her acknowledging her desire for no more direct contact by email but also promising not to contact her again unless necessity dictated otherwise.

There it is, a representative example of how people with hardened, selfish hearts refuse to reason, and face issues that can lead to justice, peace, and goodwill for all parties, not only those involved in a matter but everyone. It’s not money, but Love “that makes the world go round.”

Why everyone? I see there’s no peace in Gina’s countenance. Full of fear and contempt for potential justice and equity, she refuses to come to the light. So, how can a fearful person ever deal successfully with anyone? All will walk away dissatisfied if not offended by her spirit and attitude.

You are hurting everyone, Gina, everywhere you go and in everything you do. Thus says the Lord. An apt Scripture:

New Living Translation
“All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. But those who do what is right come to the light so others can see that they are doing what God wants.”

Another Scripture that comes to mind:

New Living Translation
“The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are as bold as lions.”

But is Gina’s conduct much different from most others? The whole world is teeming with fearful, selfish, unrepentant people. In the Name of Truth, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I declare these things to warn. God is not pleased with such conduct and unless people repent (change their minds and attitudes), they will be destroyed. God is finished winking.

Victor Hafichuk