Issue #1: Taking Down the Dirty Laundry

You’ll see I’ve written a substantial document. I expect some of you’ll be interested in reading it. I doubt many of you will be able to put it down until you’ve red it all. It is important, informative, historical, interesting, challenging, annoying, enlightening, thought-provoking, revealing, useful, and anything but boring.

If somebody doesn’t speak up when evil or foolish things happen, those things will only continue and multiply until corruption overpowers. I don’t think we should allow that to happen. Do you?

Sadly, most people are reticent to speak up, being afraid, lazy, ignorant, and preoccupied with selfish interests so that inevitably, they and their neighbors suffer. In good conscience, I’m not free to let that happen. So, I speak.

Before going on, I have an important question to ask all those who think I’m “airing dirty laundry in public.” Which is preferable to you? To tell the Truth (which is clean, and anything but “dirty”) publicly, or to gossip, murmur, backbite, slander, defame, whisper, and shout out rumors, unproven matters, and lies behind their neighbors’ backs, even to their faces, which is nothing but dirty laundry? Who hangs out dirty laundry anyway?

Though I intend no evil to anyone here, I am being bold to speak the Truth. If you can’t be bothered to read this paper, then don’t. It’s your choice and your problem. Here’s an example of one who’s offended with me, as she replied to a previous letter of mine to the Moon River community:

From: KylaRLambSPN 
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2022 9:59 PM
To: KylaRLambSPN 
Cc: Victor Hafichuk <>
Subject: Re: Moon River Community FB Page

On Jul 19, 2022, at 8:46 PM, KylaRLambSPN  wrote:

Dude… stop… no one cares. You are extremely disconnected and rude. Excuse us from you rants thank you very much. End of conversation.”

Wow! “Dude,” yet. How original, how “connected.” And “no one cares?” Who says? She? Does she know? What if only one cares, and understands?

Who is this insolent, presumptuous, dismissive quick-speak without knowledge or understanding, and who speaks to elders, both spiritual and physical, people she doesn’t know, as she pleases? Isn’t that a bit foolhardy? Speak of subjects of Proverbs, chapter 1. Your day awaits not far away, Kyla. It’s here.

I’ve never met Kyla, she’s never met me, and I don’t believe either of us cares to meet the other, though I’m willing to meet and reason for good, if possible. Perhaps, you should find another neighborhood, Kyla. I was here first and intend to continue to do it some good, if possible, for the time I have left. How about you?

On the other hand, there was this reply to my same letter from a friendly neighbor:

From: Aaron H 
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2022 5:01 PM
To: Victor Hafichuk <>
Subject: Re: Moon River Community FB Page


Thanks for the read ! 

This country is full of snowflakes.. and the woke is what is wrong with this world. 

Thank you for speaking for freedoms and I appreciate  your strong voice in our community 


Thank you, Aaron. You are right, though you may not appreciate my identifying you as I appreciate your input and encouragement. My conscience before God is clear.

I’m naming names. It’s time “snowflakes” were melted with Antidotal heat born of the Light of Truth, and I’ve found that those appointed to melt them can do so most effectively by identifying them, and themselves, and speaking the Truth, so help me God. To be identified and neutralized, snowflakes must be brought into the Light. Watch them liquefy in the heat. It saves shuffling, and shoveling, too.

It’s evident Canada is fast being flushed down the toilet. And laws are being framed to destroy justice, condemn the innocent, and side with the guilty. Those of us who speak for justice and Truth will inevitably draw fire and pay a price. But they will also have a sure reward awaiting them that will more than compensate for their troubles. Just give it time. Light defeats darkness. Darkness has no right nor power to tell the sun what to do.

Now, on with this message in our neck of the woods to do good. I’ll begin with the horse paddocks and…

Miriam Dekker:

You and I have already talked of the horses and paddocks face-to-face. I write to you and others concerning the paddock situation as decent beings before God and neighbor, which can mutually prosper us in all things if we dare care and be fair.

If you ask by what authority I speak, it’s not by my own or anyone else’s, but God’s. This can be determined by the nature of the laws and principles I present as ordained by God since the beginning of time as delivered by messengers and by the Holy Scriptures, even at the cost of their lives.

As I speak to you, be my friend, and not my enemy. After all, I come as your friend. I’ve met you in person and you’ve earned my respect. I’d like to repay you for your willingness to be understanding and cooperative – this is not flattery to get my way; I mean it. One day, you said to me, “See, Victor, I’ve cleared away the horse manure from the path as you’ve asked.”  I much appreciated the attitude and response.

I present more information and perspective now concerning the paddocks that have occurred to me for our collective good. If you receive what I say, you’ll profit and be thankful. If not, we can be sadly disappointed. This is no threat, just the Inviolable Laws and Divine Ways expressed from above by which things work universally, some of which I’ve been fortunate and blessed to learn in my lifetime.

I come speaking somehow feeling that I’m addressing you from your past in the Netherlands and your family and past company. Whatever, no matter. You’ll know.

Stephen Harris has told me you had an agreement with him and the paddocks committee to clear Kush’s paddock free of charge. I assume it was in return for what you could salvage in lumber. Are these things true? If not, correct me – I’ll gladly acknowledge my misunderstanding.

Perhaps, yours was a more noble motive, like a favor to the community, to do it as a free-will service. Which would be an exceptional gesture. Such an example is Richard and Tracy Steeves who freely and generously mowed a community walking path. Other members have also contributed freely in various ways, such as the Grafs, Kronlunds, Dormaars, Jacobs, Brinks, Coxes, Van de Merwes, Hilliards, Rene Barendregt, Harrises, and several others. It happens! I include executive members’ spouses because, after all, they pay the price with their partners one way or the other.

On the other hand, we have those who use free contributions and voluntary services of their fellow community members but don’t lift a finger to help out, things like annually blowing out Aqua Luna sprinkler lines and maintaining the system. I was one of those taking and not giving, and now I’m ashamed of having been so selfish. I’m thankful others step in to help when needed or desired. I could name a few but I won’t; no need; everyone knows who they are.

Miriam, don’t let appearances deceive us to your detriment. It appears you took the valuable portion of the Kush paddock like the barnwood, and left the scrap for your neighbors to clean up. Stephen gave me to understand he assumed that the one they had the agreement with – he named no names, would understand it was their responsibility to clean the entire site properly for the value of materials gained. He said, “I would have thought they would have naturally understood,” (words to that effect). It didn’t happen; the good is gone and the mess remains to vex.

I’m assuming Steve didn’t think there was any need for such a stipulation. He realized he fell short of overseeing the duty without a clear understanding.

To be fair, I should ask you, “Did you not understand what was required of you as he told me?” Or did you think you could simply walk away with the good stuff and leave the scrap for the paddock people or even the rest of the MR Community to clean up without compensation? Would that be fair?

Is this how they deal with neighbors in Holland? I know they do, as they do everywhere in the world. I know the EU is down the sewer much in every way – socially, legally, economically, politically, religiously, and spiritually, with the US and Canada speeding swiftly in pursuit, if not outpacing it.

We are at the end. People, tragically, a lethal, unavoidable firestorm is hitting and hitting hard, determined from above, and it is inescapable unless we turn from our sin. Oh, yes, that dreaded word! With this MR paddock situation, it surely seems I’m proverbially “arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic” but I feel intent on addressing these social matters for whatever reason.

Call me small-minded, religious, self-righteous, petty, whatever. “For who has despised the day of small things?” declare the Scriptures – Zechariah 4:10.

No, not religion! There’s that dratted Book of Truth again; dammit! Well, there’s the problem right there, isn’t it! As Raymond Huppee said in so many words in response to my post and which I failed to retrieve before they were deleted from the MR Community FB page, “Religion is nice but it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.” This fellow has also objected in the past to the Light shining.

Regardless, Stephen declared the unfinished paddock cleanup was his fault for poor supervision and declared he would take care of it.

Stephen, are you committed or will you fail again through reluctance to “rock the boat” and offend? Laws are made for good to prevent the bad and promote order and benefit. Laws are meant to be made and implemented. Otherwise, there’s no use for making laws. Ignoring laws only makes a mockery of them. Those in charge fail their neighbors when they don’t follow through. Is that what you’ve done? 

Stephen had called me about all this because just the day before, Annette Tompkins had likely complained to him that I had asked her about the mess and what was being done about it. I tried talking to Annette nicely but it seems it wasn’t taken that way.

Instead, Annette was offended with me. No need to be. Not my fault. When I inquired about dealing with the Kush paddock situation at the June 29, 2022 AGM meeting, she and Yvonne Graf assured everyone that it “was taken care of.” So, I dropped it. Was it taken care of? Obviously, not.

At long last, and the community not being informed what was happening, I inquired again in December 2023, 1½ years later. Am I impatient? And who better to ask than the one I was told was the chair of the paddock committee, Annette Tompkins? I asked and she abruptly, rudely said it was no longer her, but your, responsibility, Miriam. Not very nice about it at all.

I said, “Annette, don’t walk away from me. You needn’t be rude about this.”

Her reply was a defiant, combative comeback, “Or else what?!”

I had to walk away. Later, she would falsely accuse me of threatening her. Wasn’t she the one threatening me?

Y’all, Steve, Miriam, Annette, and others, you ought to know that complications and troubles arise at every level and turn when people don’t follow up on responsibility and justice, because afraid to rock the social boat, being selfish and not give a damn, whether the matter be considered big or small. What happened to “getting honest,” “loving your neighbor,” “playing fair,” “give and it will be given to you,” and “being considerate, helpful, thoughtful, responsible, and nice, for real”?

Miriam, Stephen called the day after Annette’s call and asked me to leave it to him. I said I was willing to do so until I believed him when he said it was all his fault. He’s partly right, but I also see how you allegedly may have got him into trouble and let the community down. 

Am I accurate here or unfair to you? Are you willing to make things right? I think you have it in you, judging by the attitude I experienced with you. I hope you prove me right.

I appreciated the way you were willing to deal with the manure on the walking path, although it was only understandable that you should do so. That was not the attitude and example Annette displayed. And seeing she was stubborn, nasty, and disrespectful about it, she’s not getting off so easily now. As one sows, one reaps, multiplied. I will relate the surprising conversation I had with her later.

Miriam, I’m asking you to address the Kush paddock mess and not expect Stephen and a group of volunteers to do it. I think it’s your responsibility according to your alleged agreement with him and others. I’m hoping he’ll understand.

If you find people who are willing to help you, fine; good for them. That’s their business and yours.

Am I “telling you what to do?” No, I’m asking you to do the right thing. There is a difference.

True, there are more important matters facing us these days, but serious troubles begin with the small ones such as these and grow from there. If we don’t learn to be trusted and responsible for smaller matters, how can we be entrusted with greater ones? So, shouldn’t I show a concern for injustice and irresponsibility in my community? Is this not every tax-paying community member’s right, duty, and business? Or is it too late in these days for that? It is late, very late, to be sure.

I’m here to teach right and wrong to the end, as an earnest, hopefully well-meaning, voluntary, conscientious contributor. The need is there and somebody needs to do it. Who else but those knowing the Truth and are willing to speak it? I speak of true and serious matters.

(Stephen, you are wrong when you say it’s not my job.)

Besides, the paddock situation is much bigger and more serious than many Moon River citizens may realize. More on this later along with a proposal to be seriously considered and implemented. It’s time the MR community dealt with it after years of incompetent management, community frustration for a small privileged minority, and financial and social losses for all. Let’s be clear, I’m not blaming the MD – we at Moon River “Estates” must own it.

But before we discuss the final solution for the paddock dilemma, I’d like to discuss an evident example of the need for that final solution. It will be in the next issue.

Victor Hafichuk